Guest Blog for Lavender Turtle
As small business owners and entrepreneurs and freelancers and gig-goddesses, you’re going to interact with people that will put a strain on your energy. Here are Kari Ginsburg’s best tips for networking like an extrovert when you’d rather stay home.
“I have no one”
Berenice has an incredible heart and a resume that may be The Shining Example of Accomplishment. What she was missing was the support of someone on her side who could listen, validate, and respectfully push back without the stakes of professional competition.
Gravitational Pull of Glitterbombs
When it comes to leadership, conventional wisdom says that you need specific traits and experiences to succeed. But, history has repeatedly shown that some of the most impactful leaders defy these norms, challenging traditional ideas and ideals of what it means to lead. They’re Glitterbombs, like you.
A Misfit's Guide to Infiltrating the Old Boys' Club
Today’s blog post is inspired by not one, but TWO clients who have recently been stewing in that dreadful application process to ye olde boys clubbe.
Don’t choose what’s expected just because it’s expected. Don’t choose what you think They want you to do. Don’t choose only the safe thing.
Choose adventure. Choose what inspires you. Choose the Funknown.
Opportunity Without Pressure
Too often there’s an expectation that when a leader arrives at a Director or VP or C-level position, they’ve got it all figured out. They don’t. And that’s normal.
Not too long ago, I was browsing at a local small bookshop, and I happened to overhear two women talking about how one had lost her strategic vision.
Let’s Take This Offline
Several years ago, my work friend Heather and I were talking about a situation in which a colleague needed to have a conversation with their team about a project that wasn’t going well, and Heather dropped a buzzword that rocked my tiny little leadership world.
Boss The Eff Up
What to do when the signs were there, demanding a major change and I ignored them and explained them away.
Why Leaders Don’t Lead
In my change management work, I spend a lot of time talking to employees about what keeps them at their jobs and what motivates them to leave. Much like the Gallup quote above, their answer is almost unanimously leadership-related.
One year later
With the privilege of hindsight I'm struck by those little things that hit me hardest over this last year; lessons I may not have otherwise experienced
The People Side
In my 13-plus years in this field, I can share key questions that boost the likelihood of success if they're addressed in planning for change (and how they apply to coaching). So here we
Choose You
Choose you. Those two simple words have stuck with me for seven months, at the front of my mind and on the tip of my tongue.