Don’t choose what’s expected just because it’s expected. Don’t choose what you think They want you to do. Don’t choose only the safe thing.
Choose adventure. Choose what inspires you. Choose the Funknown.
That is not lazy
Here’s the thing: when you’re starting out on your own or taking on a new role, you can follow the books and blogs about how to set up and go about your business. You don’t have to, but you can.
You’ll try and fail and try and learn and try again. You’ll bump into things.
Boss The Eff Up
What to do when the signs were there, demanding a major change and I ignored them and explained them away.
Saying Yes To Saying No
Why do you say yes when you really want to say no? What happens if you:
✨Set boundaries
✨Honor those boundaries
✨Choose yourself
One year later
With the privilege of hindsight I'm struck by those little things that hit me hardest over this last year; lessons I may not have otherwise experienced
Choose You
Choose you. Those two simple words have stuck with me for seven months, at the front of my mind and on the tip of my tongue.
Playing dress-up
Where can we make little changes to how we dress (or behave, or feel) more like ourselves every day, all day? Because don't little changes become big changes when added together and given time?