Ways Your Life Gets Way Easier When You Embrace Your Inner Weirdo
Let’s get one thing straight: trying to squeeze yourself into society’s version of “normal” is a one-way ticket to exhaustion. You’re not here to be digestible, you’re here to be undeniable.
If you choose to accept it
Think back to the last time you were asked what you were working on. Or the last time you were faced with the dreaded, tell me about yourself! Did you answer about your job, or the roles you play in your day to day? What if instead you answered with your personal mission statement; your personal WHY?
Let’s Misbehave
It’s those moments of misbehaving that glitterbombs are most vulnerable. That’s when the organizational or peer pressure intensifies. That’s when the IIV gets a little louder.
Three Words
When I attended my first coaching training intensive, an early homework assignment I was given was to ask people who are close to me to describe me using three words.
Asked & Owned
It’s my mindset that needs practice and exercise. I want to figure out ways to ask that are both true to me and that allow me to own the shared experience that I‘m inviting.
Playing dress-up
Where can we make little changes to how we dress (or behave, or feel) more like ourselves every day, all day? Because don't little changes become big changes when added together and given time?