Let’s Turn Your ‘I Want’ into ‘I Am’
You have this nagging feeling there’s something more out there for you.
You want to get back into the dating scene, finally start that company you’ve been hoping to get off the ground, make that difficult career shift, finish the book you’ve been writing.
Behind every bold, ambitious badass lurks a WANT... a daydream-in-the-shower, blow-out-the-candles-and-make-a-wish kind of desire that deserves to be cultivated.
Dig into those dreams that make your toes tingle and make you want to puke through Uproar’s signature goal-setting at-your-pace program.
The short, learning modules include:
Life Assessment
This is where you begin to zero in on your wants. Take a closer look at nine key areas of your life and measure your satisfaction within each one. Getting to know yourself is the first step to getting what you want.
Tactically Speaking
It’s go time! Put your I WANT statement, intentions, and strategies into play. Come up with tactics to execute your strategies.
Proclaim Your “I Want”
Ask yourself two questions: where are you and where do you want to be? Set those “I Want” statements (e.g., your goals) and get excited (or nervous. Or both).
Measuring Success
You’ve crafted your I WANT statement, came up with intentions, formulated strategies. The only question left is HOW will you celebrate?
Let’s Be Intentional
Now that you know where you want to land, you can be more intentional. Narrow down your I WANT statement to smaller, bite-sized intentions.
Being Influential
Consider the external forces that can influence your “I Wants”. What’s within your sphere and where you can have the most influence?
Getting Strategic
What about those pesky “but what ifs” standing in your way? Come up with strategies for how you’ll conquer those obstacles blocking your intentions.
Crafting Your I Want Statement repositions goal setting to break down your greatest hopes and dreams into small measurable, actionable, and time-bound nibbles.